Sunday, July 18, 2010

Month 26

So I've made it to month 26 of my sisterlocks journey. It's still hard to believe it's been that long. At this stage, I was surprised that I was able to take out one of my locks. I have some locks that are on the larger side, and they started to annoy me so I just figured I'd try to undo it and it actually worked. I decided to take out the one next to it and make the two locks into 3:

The one on the left is one of my original locks, and the 3 to the right are the ones I just did. I may combine the two on the left since one of them is a little on the small side now.
I haven't had a lot of time to do much to my hair, but after I retightened my hair I flat twisted the front and rodded the back. The pictures below were taken about a week after I set my hair, and a day after an intense workout that sweated out all of my curls :-)