Friday, March 19, 2010

Month 22: My Tiny Ponytail

I'm inching up on 2 years, and I may have an inch of ponytail :-) No laughing please, but here it is:

Here is a lazy picture of the back of my hair I took while I was laying down. I can tell my hair is growing, but I am still a little paranoid that my locks in the back are too large. They aren't huge, but just big enough to be annoying to me since I really like small locks. I was hoping they would have contracted more by now, but I'll get over it.

In the sisterlocks trainee world, I have actually completed over 3 locking sessions but I still haven't submitted my application yet. My goal is still to turn it in by the end of the year, and if all goes well I'll get it in by the July deadline. Wish me luck!

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