Thursday, January 29, 2009

2009 Goal Update 1

So in my happy new year (2009) post I stated a few things I planned on doing this year. I thought I would give a quick update on what I've done so far since I actually feel like I accomplished some things already :)

  • I signed up for an Arabic class near my house so I will start the class next month. (I already bought the text book!)
  • I registered for the last class required for my master's degree this semester and purchased all my text books.
  • I completed the sisterlocks training class

Seems like I'm moving at warp speed so I'm going to have to slow down. Of course I realize the initial burst of energy will drain, so hopefully I can stay consistent with completing my goals. That's always the hard part.

Month 8 Pictures

Here are my pictures from my 8th month being sisterlocked. I set my hair with soft spike curlers and slept in them overnight. They didn't last that long and were fairly loose. As my hair settles in more I'll be able to use setting lotion so maybe the curls will last longer. For now I'm just using water.

Monday, January 19, 2009

8 months!

Today I have officially been sisterlocked for 8 months. I just got my hair retightened and it feels good to have parts again. I had a lot of hair growing in between my locs. I almost felt like there was a mini fro taking over my locks! Luckily most of that weird growth spurt has been pulled into my existing locks and my parts are visible one again. I will post pics soon.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sisterlocks Training & Hair Care Survey

Its official, I am signed up to take the sisterlocks training and I can't wait! I admit I made the decision on a whim (an expensive one at that), but I am passionate about sisterlocks and hope the class will help me be able to help others love their natural hair. I know some consultants already that I can hopefully work with to fine tune my skills after the training. And of course I will be my first guinea pig!

I also decided that I should wrap up my hair care survey and post a summary of the results. Some of the responses were quite interesting. I will probably shut it down later this week so this is your last chance if you want to participate (link to the right or look for post labeled black hair survey).

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy new year!

I was reflecting on 2008 and realized I had a few firsts this year:

  • I got my first iPod! (I know I'm late)
  • For the first time my two front teeth are even and gap free (long story)
  • I went to my first presidential political rally
  • I went to a spa for the first time
  • I went to my first concert (rock the bells!)
  • I am wisdom tooth free for the first time (got the last 3 pulled, what fun!)
  • I got my first bike since I was like 8 years old
  • I discovered the joys of butternut squash
  • I started my first blog

    And most importantly...
  • I got sisterlocks!

In 2009 I plan to take a class to brush up on my Arabic skills that I seem to have left on the campus of Howard University, plan a trip to Egypt for this year or 2010, take the sisterlocks training class, and finally finish my masters degree (one more class).

I don't make new years resolutions, but suffice it to say I know I am out of shape and need to get back to exercising (don't we all).

Happy new year!